So, if you remember the film Ghost? that moment from cinema history, Demi Moore sitting at the potters wheel, throwing a pot, with assistance from Patrick Swayze?? yep, me too 🙂

Well, if you’ve held a secret yearning to be a potter ever since, this is the item for you,

Our thanks to Blank Earth for their donation of a 2-hour one-to-one class to learn wheel-throwing pottery at the Blank Earth Studio in Culford, near Bury St Edmunds, this will also include the glazing of two pieces which can then be collected once they have been in the kiln. We can’t promise Patrick Swayze, but can guarantee a fun morning and hopefully a couple of pieces of your own work you’ll treasure

This would usually retail at £65 so this is your chance to learn a new skill at a bargain price and help Suffolk charities too

You can read all about them here:-


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